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Positioning apps in App Store and Google Play
Positioning apps in markets, in other words App Store Optimization (ASO), is a set of activities that aims at obtaining the highest possible position of the app in the App Store and Google Play.
We offer
- • enhancement of the app position in the shop ranking,
- • enhancement of the app position in search results,
- • increase of app search effectiveness,
- • obtaining positive assessments and comments from users,
- • obtaining high percentage of app download.
App Facebook campaign
Facebook campaign aims at achieving as high as possible number of downloads of a mobile app by reaching a target group that uses the most popular social medium in the world.
We offer
- • Facebook account creation, configuration and maintenance,
- • Facebook account creation, configuration and maintenance,
- • Facebook account creation, configuration and maintenance,
- • Facebook account creation, configuration and maintenance,
- • Facebook account creation, configuration and maintenance,
Mobile apps AdWords campaign
AdWords campaign aims at achieving as high as possible number of downloads of a mobile app by a sponsored links campaign in the Google browser.
We offer
- • selection of appropriate keywords,
- • analysis of competitiveness,
- • production of the advertisement content,
- • defining campaign parameters (geographic coverage, duration, budget, target devices, etc.),
- • installation of a library within the app that enables performance of campaign effectiveness measurements.
Marketing Automation
The aim of the marketing automation is real time automation and personalization of marketing activities based on the users’ behaviour within the app. This allows us to increase users’ engagement and conversion.
We offer
- • app and marketing automation tools integration,
- • segmentation of users,
- • defining automation principles,
- • sending push and e-mail messages,
- • analysis of users’ behaviour within the app.
Onboarding aims at teaching the users how to use the most important functionalities of the app. Well prepared onboarding has influence on the users’ engagement, increase of retention and app appraisal.
We offer
- • app functionality analysis,
- • development of the onboarding concept,
- • creation of graphic materials and marketing content,
- • creation of interactive tutorials within a mobile app.
Recommending app to colleagues constitutes an activity that aims at increasing a number of valuable installations of a mobile app by using whisper marketing potential.
We offer
- • integration of the app with tools that enable giving recommendations,
- • possibility to recommend the app to your colleagues by way of special links sent through various channels (sms, e-mail, FB, Twitter, Skype, etc.),
- • personalized greeting of an invited user in the app,
- • building loyalty of users (rewarding for every invitation given to a colleague).
Content marketing
Content marketing aims at providing the user with valuable content that is in line with the brand idea. Content engages the user, as well, by the same token building his loyalty to the app.
We offer
- • preparation of content in the app and for the app store,
- • preparation of content on landing page,
- • developing Facebook profile.
Landing page
Landing page aims at presenting the app function and the issue that it solves, as well as redirecting the user to the shop, from which he can download the app. Landing page also strengthens positioning of the app in the browser.
We offer
- • creation of a landing page,
- • preparation of www content,
- • preparation of www graphics.
Explainer video
Explainer video is a short, concise video explaining how to use the app and the issue that it solves. Explainer video increases the number of app downloads and builds users engagement.
We offer
- • scenario development,
- • cooperation with the lector,
- • video translation,
- • explainer video development.
Analytics and tools
Adequately selected tools enable continuous collection and data analysis, as well as planning optimization actions. Analytics is a start point for all marketing activities – we implement, measure and optimize, so that the undertaken actions are effective.
We offer
- • running A/B tests,
- • app positioning analytics,
- • Facebook and AdWords campaign analytics,
- • Marketing Automation analytics,
- • adding events and conversion funnels in the app that add a detailed knowledge about the app being used by the users.
Competition analysis
The goal is to identify competitive apps existing on the national and global markets, as well as to define a competitive edge.
We offer
- • analysis of competition on various markets,
- • analysis of strong and weak points of competitive apps,
- • defining development of a competitive edge strategy.
App monetization
There is a number of alternative ways to earn money from mobile apps. Selection of an appropriate business model is often a huge challenge, and frequently the business model evolves together with the product life cycle.
We offer
- • presentation of available ways to monetize the app,
- • presentation of available ways to monetize the app,
- • presentation of available ways to monetize the app,
Why is mobile app marketing a basis of success?
Because it solves and turns issues that are most frequently encountered after an app has been published in a shop into an advantage:
Low number of downloads
The app is already in the App Store and/or Google Play, however it is not popular and is not downloaded a lot.
Solutions:- • Positioning (ASO) – will have an influence on the app position in the shops and search results,
- • Facebook campaign – ensures that a target group is reached and the app promotion,
- • Landing page – shows the app in an attractive way and redirects to App Store and Google Play, where the user can download a mobile app,
- • Explainer video – an interesting promotion video will make a potential user interested and will explain the app operation, which will have a significant influence on the number of downloads,
- • Recommendations – users are more willing to install apps that are used and recommended by their colleagues. As such, it is an effective method to significantly increase the number of app downloads,
- • Analytics – analysis of paths and statistics concerning current users will be helpful in optimizing actions and use the mobile app potential.

Low retention

The app is downloaded often, yet the users use it occasionally or stop using it after first activation.
Solutions:- • Marketing Automation – enables sending push or e-mail messages to users based on defined marketing principles,
- • Recommendations – when an app is installed as a result of recommendation made by a colleague, it gives a guarantee that the new user is interested in the subject matter. Furthermore, it increases probability of engagement,
- • Explainer video and onboarding – increase users awareness in respect to the app. Due to this, both when downloading and at the first activation the user is informed about the way that allows him to fully use the app,
- • Target group optimization – well prepared AdWords, ASO and Facebook campaigns will win users’ engagement with the use of keywords and content that present the app,
- • Content marketing – content that engages users significantly increases the level of identification with the app and its use by the users,
- • Landing Page – creation of a page that presents app in an interesting way is the first step on the road to build user engagement,
- • Analytics – allows to better understand why users do not use the app or uninstall it and appropriately optimize the app.
Small conversion
Users who use the app, but fail to undertake actions that we are focused on, e.g. registration or purchase of the app premium version.
Solutions:- • Marketing Automation – we will have influence on conversion increase due to marketing automation solutions by creating adequate marketing solutions. We will create funnels that will allow us to lead the user in such a way that he carries out an action that is in our field of interest.
- • Content marketing – sometimes it is enough to change content of the command or way of communication to make the user want to register in the app or purchase its premium version,
- • Analytics – allows to analyse users’ behaviours within the app, which gives us knowledge about what solutions or rules must be used to optimize the conversion level. Analytics gives us a possibility to check results of undertaken actions and plan subsequent marketing activities within the app. Moreover, tools in the form of A/B tests increase our awareness when it comes to the user’s preferences and allow us to choose an optimal solution.

Low appraisal and unfavourable comments

Users download the app, but give negative assessment and write unfavourable comments.
Solutions:- • Onboarding – users are informed about the most important functionalities of the app due to its instructions of use. The tutorial increases awareness of users and eliminates situations where a negative assessment or comment result from the user being poorly informed,
- • Analysis and giving responses to the comments – every feedback given by the app user is a vital hint that must be skilfully used. Analysis of appraisals and comments allows to adjust the app to the users’ requirements. On the other hand, responding to current comments will engage the users so that they cooperate and will increase their willingness to use the app despite some faults,
- • Reaction to notified errors in the app – due to notification made by the users we know what are the circumstances that make the app operate incorrectly – efficient and quick reaction to notified errors will allow the users to appreciate the app and engagement of the team, and enjoy the implemented improvements.
Lack of knowledge about users’ behaviour in the app
• The app is downloaded, but we have no knowledge about functions that are most commonly used. We are also unfamiliar with whether and how users reach the app main functionalities.
Solutions:- • Analytics – due to analytics we obtain information about the way users move in the app. We find out whether and if a user gets to the most significant functions of the app and which functionalities are most commonly used. Additionally, we obtain a possibility to measure conversion of every CTA (Call To Action) in the app. Knowledge about the user’s paths, the most commonly used functions and CTA conversion allows us to optimize the app and increase its attractiveness.
- • Conversion funnels – they are usually created for processes consisting of a few steps or divided into a few screens (e.g. placing order in a shop, registration that has a few stages or a longer form). An appropriately created conversion funnel allows to locate the processes bottlenecks, it means places that cause most hardship to the users. With use of the funnels we measure how many users stopped the process and at what stage. Having possessed such a knowledge we optimize the app by removing bottlenecks.

Misunderstanding of the app most important functionalities

The app is downloaded, but low engagement of the users, analysis of paths within the app and comments denote that users are unable to fully use the app or they do not understand its intended use.
Solutions:- • ASO – good description of the app in App Store and Google Play explains the app intended use and main functionalities in a short and succinct way,
- • Content marketing – engaging content transfers information about the app intended use at the same time, so that the user acquires knowledge with interest and desire to use it in practice,
- • Explainer video – an interesting promotion video may replace hundreds of words, whereas the form of delivering knowledge in the form of a video will result in an increased number of potential clients being reached by the information,
- • Onboarding – well prepared tutorial showing the app will allow the user to get familiar with the interface and functionalities in a practical manner, which will make the user more interested in the app and will increase his understanding of the app,
- • Landing page – an attractive and well-constructed landing page will pass the most important information concerning the mobile app to the potential user.
Tools and reaching channels
We use tools and technologies that are widely regarded as a standard on the corporate market and SMEs.
Request for quotation
Information about the offer and cooperation, requests for quotation, programmers outsourcing:

Krzysztof Gromadzki
New Busines Manager Analityk
Information about the offer and cooperation, requests for quotation:

Michał Wojewoda